Dmitry Sherbakov

Dmitry Sherbakov

Director of Global Outreach & Programs

Ph.D. (Metallurgy and Materials Science), Southern Ural State University. Dmitry was raised and started his science and teaching career in Russia. When the country and the university began to open to the international community in the late eighties, Dmitry was invited to the University of Toronto to work as a research scholar. Upon returning to Russia, he was charged with the task of internationalizing his school, SUSU, a temporary assignment that turned into a career path. For nearly ten years, Dmitry directed the international affairs office at SUSU. Later, he worked at the Institute of International Education (IIE), as the Associate Director of the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program in Russia, which is the largest Ford Foundation scholarship program. He is a grant recipient of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, and was awarded special recognition by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the development of international education programs.

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