NWS Stories

Max Sarkowsky '16

"Hi, my name is Max Sarkowsky. I graduated from Northwest in 2016 and I am a freelance designer for the performing arts. I loved the artistic culture at Northwest. From the hall guitars to the time committed to arts classes and even the way humanities, math and science all incorporate artistic assignments into their curriculums, it really showed me that the arts are important beyond entertainment, and that art can enrich all parts of the human experience."

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Keelen Chen '23

"Hi, my name is Keelen Chen! I graduated from Northwest in 2023. Currently, I’m a first-year student at Sciences Po France majoring in Political Science and Economics. I loved Northwest for its sense of family! Unlike conventional learning methods that value self-directed study and individual competition, Northwest focused on creating a positive, encouraging environment for students to learn and bond as a community."

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Hanna Anderson '18

“Hi! My name is Hanna Anderson, and I graduated from Northwest in 2018. I studied Clinical Psychology and Child Studies/Human Development at Tufts University and graduated in 2022. I’m currently the Client Services Coordinator for the Child Anxiety Center at a mental health clinic in downtown Seattle."

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Kris Huang '23

"Hi, my name is Kris Huang. I graduated from Northwest in 2023 and I’m currently a freshman at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. During my time at Northwest I cherished the close-knit community it fostered, especially the smaller class sizes, where teachers would provide individual care and assistance to students facing more specific challenges."

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Ghislaine Pagès '14

"Hi, my name is Ghislaine Pagès, and I graduated from Northwest in 2014. I attended Barnard College for undergrad and NYU for Law School. I am now a Staff Attorney at the Metropolitan Public Defender. Something I loved about my time at Northwest is the way my teachers and coaches found joy in their own work, held us to high standards because they believed in us, and truly cared about the wellbeing of everyone they worked with."

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Grant Yang '16

“Hi, my name is Grant and I graduated from Northwest in 2016. I attended University of Washington where I majored in Informatics and specialized in the Human Computer Interaction track. Currently, I’m working as an Interaction Designer at Google, where I design for the next-gen AI support experience. Knowing my creative endeavors can impact people in a large scale in a positive way drives me everyday."

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William Sabin '23

"Hi, my name is William Sabin, more commonly known by my last name Sabin. I graduated from Northwest in 2023. I’m currently a freshman at Western Washington University in Bellingham. Something I loved about Northwest is how I could make connections with my teachers on a personal level."

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Shoshana Rosen '22

“Hi, my name is Shoshana Rosen and I graduated from Northwest in 2022. I’m currently a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis studying architecture. Something I loved about Northwest was the family-like community, especially surrounding sports and the arts programs."

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Jordan Spencer '12

"Hi, my name is Jordan Spencer and I graduated from Northwest in 2012. I took more of an alternative path and went to trade school instead of 4 year college, where I studied Fire Science and Prehospital Emergency Medicine."

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