Javier Rodriguez

Javier Rodriguez

Modern Languages Teacher

Ph.D., Spanish Literature, New York University; Ph.D., German Philosophy, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, Spain); M.A., Hispanic Studies, University of Washington; B.A., Philosophy, Universidad de Sevilla (Sevilla, Spain).

Javier taught most recently at the prestigious Nightingale-Bamford School in New York City, where he was a spanish language and literature teacher in their upper school. Prior to that he was a visiting assistant professor in the Spanish Studies program of Bard College and worked at New York University as a teaching assistant and post-doctoral fellow. He was also a language and literature lecturer at the University of Washington and a humanities lecturer at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

Javier says, “I consider myself, before anything else, an educator. For me, education is one of the fundamental realms (politics being the distinct other) where our future is at stake, and with what I’d dare qualify as an unparalleled urgency in our times. My interest in education, however, is not necessarily limited to the life of the mind but would include physical education as well. I continue to be, despite the ravages of time, a dedicated athlete. My hope is that my enthusiasm for books and miles, languages and distances can be relayed to my students at Northwest, if not the entire Northwest community.”

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