Strategic Plan

The Northwest School

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Framework

The Northwest School Strategic Framework was adopted by the Board of Trustees in June, 2018. The Framework was designed to guide Northwest’s decision-making about all aspects of the school—the program, student experience, campus facilities, faculty growth and professional development, enrollment, and much more, over the coming years. It was developed by a Task Force of eight faculty and eight trustees, informed both by research and thousands of comments solicited from every one of the school’s constituencies.

The Strategic Framework is rooted in the well-established Mission of the school. It identifies Distinctions - distinguishing aspects of the school, and Directions - areas which leverage the strengths of the school. While the Strategic Framework was completed several years ago, it was intended to be an evergreen guide to Northwest’s work into the future. Drafting of the strategic plan was delayed due to the pandemic and leadership changes yet the Directions are still relevant today, so serve as the foundation for the following strategic plan.

View the 2018 Strategic Framework

The Strategic Plan

Grounded by the following Six Directions from the Strategic Framework

Student-centered learning leads to a sense of wonder, purpose, and agency.
Our diverse community works relentlessly to advance equity and inclusion so that all can thrive.
Technology is used to empower and foster creativity and capacity for complex problem solving.
We work at the forefront and intersection of social justice, environmental stewardship, and global perspective.
Our urban campus reflects our educational philosophy and environmental values.
Exceptional faculty—our greatest resource—continue to choose The Northwest School.


To foster an academically excellent educational environment for all students that opens doors to success in life after graduation, and encourages a lifelong sense of wonder, purpose, and agency.


We are not merely preparing students for the workforce, but rather developing young adults who have learned how to learn and love learning. They possess the skills and habits of mind the world needs most: a capacity for critical thinking, systems analysis, synthesis, and creative problem solving, together with the ability to communicate effectively what matters most to them.

Strategies that Foster Student-Centered Learning

Program Clarification

Clarify what our program is and who it is for so we have a clear picture of who we can best serve. 

Student Choice and Agency

Better align the schedule, curriculum, and co-curriculum to fulfill the promise of student-centered learning, increasing opportunities for student choice and agency. 

Student Support

Provide clear administrative structures, organizational policies, teaching standards, and measures of student achievement to assure that all students within our community are well-supported. 

Boarding Program Assessment

Do a ground-up reassessment of the boarding program to identify its strengths and opportunities for improvement, with a focus on investing in its continued success. 


To establish a more explicit  approach to advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which is anchored in the school’s mission and focused on continuous learning and improvement.


Since our founding in 1980, The Northwest School has embraced social justice as essential to a robust, forward-thinking education. As idealistic educators, Northwest faculty believe that we must build a learning community in which all individuals are seen, valued, and heard, and have the resources necessary to achieve their potential.

Strategies that Advance our Approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Social Justice Standards

Establish clear expectations, processes, and timelines to further infuse social justice standards into the curriculum and school operations. 

Data Informed Decision-Making

Implement a new system for assessing progress on implementation of the social justice standards–and use the new data we collect to inform decision-making. 


To integrate technology across disciplines and provide strong student preparation in science and math in a liberal arts context aligned with NWS mission and values. Students will be prepared to leverage technology in the arts, languages, science, math, and humanities as they become leaders, positioned to make a positive impact on the world. Technology will also enable efficient and effective connections across the school community.


Advancing the integration of technology into Northwest's liberal arts academic program will enable and enhance teaching innovation and student learning across disciplines.

Science and math are key components of a Northwest School education. NWS sees an opportunity to evaluate and potentially to enhance science and math programs, allowing for the redefinition of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in a liberal arts context.

Engaging in the above requires an ongoing institutional commitment that includes resources, professional development, allocated time, and infrastructure.

Strategies to Achieve our Goal of Leveraging Technology for Learning

Technology Offerings

Evaluate NWS technology offerings and create a plan to assess offerings on an ongoing basis, including the following: 

  • technology integration within and across disciplines
  • technology-specific offerings (e.g., coding)
  • math and science programs
  • institutional practices related to technology
Student Pathways and Expected Outcomes

Identify student pathways including expected outcomes in technology, math, and science. 

Technology Integration

Develop and implement NWS-specific programs and practices that include: 

  • technology integrated across academic disciplines
  • robust science and math offerings
  • technology to support community building and effective business and leadership.

Resources and Support

Provide the necessary time, tools, professional development, and infrastructure needed to develop and implement the NWS-specific programs. 


To affirm and begin to align our school program, messaging, and communications, building on our historical beliefs of global engagement, sustainability, and social justice.


Align our program and messaging across all our stakeholders. This effort is underway and will continue to inform our work over the next three or more years. 

Strategies to Affirm our Values of Social Justice, Environmental Sustainability, and Global Perspective

Communication of Core Values

Update and implement school messaging and image to resonate with audiences, honor school’s history, and to clarify our school ethos. Establish and begin to engineer academic and operational goals for each of the school’s core values.

Community Engagement

Actively engage alumni, parents, students, faculty, and school partners in finding new and intentional ways to incorporate our school values into the Northwest experience. Being a school that values Social Justice and Community means engaging in this work to the benefit of all parties. 

Global Programming

Clearly define the global program and develop a long-term plan for the future of engagement at all grade levels, considering our urban location as a benefit and fully involving our boarding community. 

Environmental Sustainability

Embed the school values of environmental sustainability by following up on the Carbon Neutral 2030 commitment and clarifying the academic and operational goals of our sustainability commitment.


To execute on a Campus Master Plan to meet the school’s programmatic needs and fulfill the school’s mission/vision of an urban, sustainable, progressive learning environment actively connected with its surrounding community. 


Following Covid and other changes in the environment, the school is now reassessing its ongoing programmatic and operating needs, philanthropic approach, and financial capacity to execute on a Campus Master Plan.  The school's approach to enhancing or expanding campus buildings and facilities must reflect its current operating and financial environment and updated programmatic needs.

Strategies to Achieve our Vision of an Urban, Sustainable, Progressive Campus

Campus and Operations Plan Alignment

Align campus and operations plans with new strategic initiatives over medium and long term and create a long range Strategic Financial Plan.

Campus Bridge Plan

Create a Campus Bridge Plan that reevaluates the purpose and use of the campus buildings until a new or revised Campus Master Plan can be implemented. 

Alternative Learning Environments

Evaluate/conceptualize alternative learning environments (physical, digital, etc.) and integrate findings with Campus Master Plan. 

Learning Environments

Evaluate how the physical aspects of the campus can be improved to allow for greater engagement with the surrounding community through partnerships.

Campus Improvement and Expansion

Build various enrollment models and funding sources such as capital fundraising and debt to assess campus improvement and expansion options. 


The Northwest School will attract and retain an exceptional and diverse Faculty by increasing employee retention, engagement, workplace satisfaction, and trust.


Since the founding of the school, faculty has continued to animate its mission, providing a superlative liberal arts education that manifests as a commitment to humanity. In order to attract and retain a diverse faculty of the highest caliber, passionate about their vocation, the school must continue to invest in its faculty, ensuring they have the resources they need.

Strategies to Attract and Retain Exceptional Faculty

Workplace Experience

Continue to strive for a workplace where exceptional faculty choose to work. 

Compensation and Benefits

Review and revise the current compensation and benefits philosophy to meet the current and future needs of NWS faculty and align with our long-term financial plan. 

Competencies and Strategies for Excellence

Create and build upon a shared understanding of the competencies and strategies that constitute excellence in teaching and administrative roles at NWS.

Employee Workload and Balance

Analyze, promote, and support a balanced, sustainable, and effective approach to determining and maintaining a workload for all faculty - Teaching & Administrative, that allows faculty to fully bring their gifts and talents to Northwest. 

Professional Development

Systematize professional development plans and programs that support individual career goals and school needs (orientation, new faculty experience, activities, observation, evaluation, etc.). 

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