NWS Stories

Alden Keefe Sampson '09

After working at several software technology companies including Crashlytics, Twitter, and Drift, Alden co-founded Upstream Tech to apply advanced data analysis to our planet’s most pressing environmental challenges.

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Shirin Etessam '84

Shirin helps companies define and tell their brand and product stories. Her clients have included Facebook, StubHub, Intel, ServiceNow, Virgin, RingCentral, ABC, CBS, BBC, and Discovery.

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Andrew Miksys '87

Though his photographs are realistic and often have a political or social subtext, Andrew Miksys ’87 does not identify as a photojournalist.

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Dara Pressley ’89

Dara Pressley is a designer and architect. Not of brick-and-mortar buildings but of digital spaces. She designs user-friendly, human-centered websites

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